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2008/8/16  1:01

ポルノが哲学だった時代をつくったアレティーノ  『トンデモ一行知識の世界』派生トリビア編

『トンデモ一行知識の世界』 P.95

唐沢俊一のいう「ヴィーナスの姿態」「三十六の体位」はガセビアで、本当は I Modi で
16 体位だぞということについては、「描かれている女性はヴィーナスだけじゃなくて」の

いたら、ピエトロ・アレティーノ (Pietro Aretino) の作品としての『体位集』が浮上して


アレティーノのソネットと組み合わされたのは、 ロマーノの原画をライモンディが銅版画に

http://www.erotomane.org/title/264.asp で 1530 年代のものとされる木版画を、
http://www.erotomane.org/title/65.aspWikipedia にも引用されているカラッチ
(Agostino Carracci ) 版を参照できる。 http://www.erotomane.org/author/149.asp
から、その他後世の絵を見ることができ、その中には Paul Avril のものも含まれる。

アレティーノは、『イ・モーディ (I Modi) 』の後に、 『ラジョナメンティ (Ragionamenti)』
という作品も発表していて、こちらも後世に与えた影響は大きい。"Aretinian postures"

> Aretino’s influence on the development of pornography did not end with I modi.
> In a work called Ragionamenti, or Discussions, which he published in 1539, two
> Roman courtesans discuss what goes on among whores, housewives and nuns
> (the conclusion: very much the same -- "they all have sex."). While the dialogue
> form is a literary genre with precedents in Greek literature, it was Aretino’s
> Ragionamenti that most profoundly influenced the proliferation of this genre over
> the next two centuries. These dialogues, which often involved talk about sex
> between an older woman and a younger one, weren’t necessarily written for the
> purposes of arousal but rather as an excuse to convey information about sex --
> as bluntly as possible.
> Artists and writers borrowed heavily from the Aretinian tradition long after his
> death in 1556. (Even the term "Aretinian postures" became synonymous all over
> Europe with the depiction of acrobatic sex.) In effect, Aretino helped to create a
> new marketplace for sexually explicit material. With works like I modi and those
> following, pornography became closely linked to political and religious subversion.
> Aretino also played with another radical concept by evoking a world of limitless
> sex in which women expressed their desires as vehemently as men. After his
> death in 1556, the term "Aretinian postures" became synonymous all over
> Europe with the depiction of acrobatic sex.

ただまあ、1530 年の木版画やカラッチ版が、唐沢俊一のいう「体位の多くは実行不能
ではないかと思う (上記リンク先にある絵とか)。




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