トンデモない一行知識の世界 OLD - 唐沢俊一の「雑学」とは -


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2008/8/24  7:08

一歩間違うと本物の死体を生産しかねないマシン  『トンデモ一行知識の逆襲』間違い探し編

『トンデモ一行知識の逆襲』 P.55 欄外

2ちゃんねるのスレで教わった通り (Read More 参照)、この「死体復活マシン」を英語
でいえば「corpse reviver」 (同名のカクテルあり) で、発明者はエジソン本人ではなく、
ラボにいた助手の一人 (one of the laboratory assistants)。発明者や命名者の名は、

ものだったらしい。"Menlo Park Reminiscences" に描かれている図もあわせて見ると、
石鹸の木箱 (昔ながらのオリーブ石鹸が入っているような大きめのサイズ) に歯車と

> In the later stages of this long campaign, as he felt himself approaching the
> goal, Edison drove his co-workers harder than ever; they held watches over
> current tests around the clock, one man taking a sleep of a few hours while
> another remained awake. Under the inspiration of the master, one of the
> laboratory assistants invented what was called a “corpse-reviver”; it was a
> sort of noise machine which would be set going with horrible effect to waken
> a comrade who had overslept.

http://books.google.com/books?id=EPIuXHxLJRgC ("Henry's Attic")
> Later, however, one of them invented a contraption called a "corpse reviver,"
> a soap box with a wooden tongue, ratchet wheel, and handle. Francis Jehl
> recalled that when the handle was turned rapidly, the Neg. B35073.

http://books.google.com/books?id=OkL1Smk4uiAC ("Menlo Park Reminiscences")
> Some of us dubbed the machine a 'corpse reviver' and others called it the
> 'calmer.' You may see the 'corpse reviver' today in the Edison laboratory at
> Dearborn, Even Edison when visiting his friend Henry Ford in 1919 smiled at
> sight of it. 'There is nothing missing here' said he. When the 'corpse reviver' is
> operated before ladies that visit laboratory, occasionally one inquires where
> such a machine could he obtained, while their husbands look sheepishly on
> without blinking.

その他参考 URL:
- http://www.ee.latrobe.edu.au/%7Ejfr/ELE1EMT/2007/Edison_Lecture_Notes_Part_2.doc
- http://books.google.com/books?id=PeUUd3KFXM8C


833 :無名草子さん:2008/08/15(金) 01:05:50
『トンデモ一行知識の逆襲』 P.55 欄外





847 :無名草子さん:2008/08/15(金) 08:19:34
Corpse Reviverって、エジソン本人の発明じゃないだろ。

885 :無名草子さん:2008/08/15(金) 19:03:15
Corpse Reviver でググると、何だかカクテルの作り方が多数ひっかかるんですが……

890 :無名草子さん:2008/08/15(金) 20:54:27
Corpse Reviverは元々カクテルの名前だから。
エジソンがらみのCorpse Reviverは↓の608ページあたり。

927 :無名草子さん:2008/08/16(土) 01:30:05

>At other times someone would take the 'corpse-reviver,' a powerful rattle attached
> to a soap box, press it against the wooden wall of the glass house and set it into
> action. The effect was that of dynamiting the shanty.

> Some of us dubbed the machine a 'corpse reviver' and others called it the 'calmer.'
> You may see the 'corpse reviver' today in the Edison laboratory at Dearborn, Even
> Edison when visiting his friend Henry Ford in 1919 smiled at sight of it. 'There is
> nothing missing here' said he. When the 'corpse reviver' is operated before ladies
> that visit laboratory, occasionally one inquires where such a machine could he
> obtained, while their husbands look sheepishly on without blinking.

949 :無名草子さん:2008/08/16(土) 12:53:25
>>927 の続きというのでもないけど、こんなのもありますね。

>There was an instrument in the laboratory known as the "corpse reviver." When a man
>had fallen into the Elysian fields of slumber- land, this diabolical instrument was rolled
>alongside of him and let loose like the furies of the inferno. Then there was the
>"resurrector of the dead" -- a fluid which when placed under the sleeper caused
>spontaneous combustion.




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