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2008/4/6  18:34

ネッシーとは Monster hoax by Sir Peter S だった  『トンデモ一行知識の逆襲』間違い探し編

『トンデモ一行知識の逆襲』 P.51 欄外

○ネッシテラス・ロンボプテリクス または ネッシテラス・ロンポプテリウス


ネッシー (Nessie) の学名は Nessiteras rhombopteryx。英語版 Wikipedia の Loch Ness
Monster の記述によると、菱形のひれをもつネス湖の怪物という意味のギリシャ語とのこと。

この学名を提案し Nature 誌に掲載したのはピーター・スコット卿 (Sir Peter Scott) 。

しかし、それと同じ 1975 年 12 月に、この Nessiteras rhombopteryx という名前は、
「Monster hoax by Sir Peter S」――つまり「ピーター・S 卿による巨大悪ふざけ」の



>On the basis of this photograph, British naturalist Peter Scott announced in 1975
>that the scientific name of the monster would henceforth be Nessiteras
>rhombopteryx[36][37] (Greek for "The Ness monster with diamond-shaped fin").
>This would enable Nessie to be added to a British register of officially protected
>wildlife (but compare [38]). Scottish politician Nicholas Fairbairn pointed out that
>the name was an anagram for "Monster hoax by Sir Peter S".[39][40]

>36. ^ Access :: Nature
>37. ^ Scott, P. and Rines, R. "Naming the Loch Ness Monster" in Nature 258,
>(11 December 1975), pp 466-468
>38. ^ Latest Nessie Expedition Warned Not to Break The Law
>39. ^ Dinsdale, T. "Loch Ness Monster" (Routledge and Kegan paul 1976), p.171.
>Dinsdale, in the same paragraph, also says that Robert Rines, co-author of the
>Nature article, "soon came up with the antidote - 'Yes, both pix are monsters - R.'"
>40. ^ "London, Dec. 18 (Reuters) - A Scottish member of Parliament has
>discovered an anagram for Nessiteras rhombopteryx... Nicholas Fairbairn, the MP,
>announced the anagram in a letter to The Times: 'Monster hoax by Sir Peter S.'
> ("Loch Ness Monster Shown a Hoax by Another Name." New York Times 19
>December 1975. p. 78.)

>Recent publicity concerning new claims for the existence of the Loch Ness
>monster has focused on the evidence offered by Sir Peter Scott and Robert Rines.
>Here, in an article planned to coincide with the now-cancelled symposium in
>Edinburgh at which the whole issue was due to be discussed, they point out that
>recent British legislation makes provision for protection to be given to endangered
>species; to be granted protection, however, an animal should first be given a proper
>scientific name. Better, they argue, to be safe than sorry; a name for a species
>whose existence is still a matter of controversy among many scientists is
>preferable to none if its protection is to be assured. The name suggested is
>Nessiteras rhombopteryx.

参考 URL:
- http://occultycurrymania.myhome.cx/occult/htmlold/0984/984833866.html
 ( 133 だけが関連レスだけど、何か他の書き込みが面白いので )




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